This is a best conceptual design and all working principle is based on new thought and concept and the CEBIT Announces the Mobile Business Expert Cortado a latest version of its enterprise solution Cortado Corporate Server. The new version 4.0 is a completely new printing technology and provides further vital PC functions for Blackberry smart phones. The new version, the Blackberry mobile user’s even more efficient work permits, in the second quarter of 2009 will be available. For the new version 4.0 has on the business applications specialist providers Cortado Print this fully revised and the new procedure for a patent. The new printing technology allows for simple and almost anywhere in any wireless network to print. Cortado Corporate Server reduces the administrative burden of IT administration, as mobile devices such as traditional desktops are integrated into the network. Moreover, a smart phone infrastructure significantly cheaper to purchase and maintenance as PCs and notebooks.
"Users should be excited! We reveal only that, inter alia, the creation of PDFs, or database queries directly from the Blackberry smart phone new benchmark for mobile business solutions," said Thorsten Hesse.
"Who precisely in times of crisis, reduce costs and streamline its processes at the same time wants to be investing in Cortado Corporate Server is recommended. Thanks to the application, the productivity of mobile workers significantly increased, while reducing the requests to the back office."
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